Sunday, June 24, 2012

Training for Fat Loss | Alternative and Natural Way for Fat Loss

With the nation getting ever fatter and the burden this will have on our health and economy, the government and health care professionals alike are desperate for a modern approach to weight loss. But there are so many different diet books and weight loss programmes on the market and so much conflicting information in the press that it can sometimes be quite confusing about what to do.
Training for Fat Loss | Alternative and Natural Way for Fat Loss
The basic premise of eating slightly less (calories) and exercising more does hold some truth and many people will lose weight by being more mindful about what they eat and drink and by exercising a little more. But this is far from a modern approach to weight loss and can often be too simplistic for many people who "diet and exercise" but who still can't lose weight.
The basics for effective weight loss
There are four basic "rules" to weight loss that go beyond simply eating less and exercising more:
Stop smoking
As simple as it sounds a modern approach to weight loss is to stop smoking. Stopping smoking can be one of the best decisions you make to improve your health as it is associated with cancer, especially cancers of the mouth, oesophagus and lungs and it accelerates aging.
There is some evidence to suggest that if you quit smoking you are more likely to put on weight - and this may be because nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant / or you just tend to eat something when you would have had a cigarette - but this certainly doesn't mean that you should smoke to lose weight. But there is other research that refutes this claim.
In fact researchers have shown that females who smoke 10 cigarettes a day as teenagers are more likely to be overweight as adults, this trend didn't apply to males in this study, but in young males smoking tends to accompany alcohol and alcohol as we will see also contributes to obesity.
Reduce and modify alcohol intake
Alcohol contains an abundance of calories that often don't get accounted for when you are trying to lose weight. However a modern approach to weight loss is to modify your alcohol intake rather then quit all together.
Consider that a pint of beer may contain up to 400 calories and simply drinking 4 or 5 pints on a night out may give you your calorie requirement for the whole day, it's easy to see why excess alcohol can make you fat.
Beers and spirits are also made from wheat which is a common food intolerance that can cause gastrointestinal inflammation, intestinal permeability and immune sensitivity causing symptoms such as IBS, constipation or diarrhoea (but more on this later).
Epidemiological research has shown that drinking alcohol in moderation is however beneficial to our health, but what do they mean as "in moderation"? I would interpret this as one glass of wine a day (it doesn't have to be everyday either - especially if you are trying to lose weight) and certainly don't give yourself the excuse of drinking all 7 glasses on a Friday night because you have abstained for the rest of the week as this will just add a whole bunch of calories to your day and play havoc with your blood sugar and insulin regulation.
The best wines to drink are organic as the grapes haven't been sprayed with pesticides, but also try and pick wines rich in a compound called resveratrol which has many health benefits. These include pinot, merlot and all Spanish wines.
Training for Fat Loss | Alternative and Natural Way for Fat Loss
There is no doubt that exercise can help you lose weight and that not doing any exercise can contribute to you being fat. But there are many types of exercise - yoga, Pilates, bootcamps, running, lifting weights or simply walking the dog - and you need to find what is right for you.
From an evolutionary perspective we are designed to be highly active, not designed to sit at desks all day and drive or take the bus everywhere we go. We can get a good idea of how much activity we need to get each day by looking at isolated indigenous communities that still live a very basic lifestyle. It is estimated that these communities may "exercise" in terms of hunt, gather, clean, build shelter, play etc... up to 5 hours a day which seems quite a lot and certainly a lot more than modern Westernised humans get - but just think they get 19 hours a day to sleep, eat, relax and have fun. Wouldn't that be great?
Most people think that "cardio" be it running, or using the rower or the cross trainer in the gym is the best way to lose weight, and there is no doubt that doing some cardio can help. But a modern approach to weight loss includes the need to build muscle as well and this involves doing some resistance training. As with cardio, resistance training comes in different forms, be it using your body weight, using a TRX or a Swiss ball, kettle bells, dumbbells or resistance machines. I think that all of these things can be used for effective weight loss and they will certainly add variety to your exercise regimen, but the true secret to success is to change things often to prevent your body from adapting. This might take the form of doing cardio for a month, then using TRX or Swiss balls for a month, then doing Pilates or boxing for a month then doing some weight training - just keep changing things up.
The other secret to success, and this hold true for success in any other industry or in life, is that you need to work hard at what you are doing. If you go to the gym and sit on one of the bikes watching the TV or reading a book you are not working hard enough to get results.
Eat a low glycemic load diet
This is a modern approach to weight loss that involves consuming healthy protein (such as meat, fish, seafood, poultry and eggs) and fats (such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, oily fish and coconut oil) with low glycemic load fruits, vegetables, grain and legumes.
The glycemic load is a system of classifying carbohydrate containing foods by how quickly the carbohydrate is released into the blood stream. The GL system scores foods as low GL that are less than 10, moderate GL that are 11-20 and high GL as anything over 20.
It is beyond the scope of this article to outline the GL of all carbohydrate containing foods, but a general rule is that thin skinned fruits such as berries, apples, pears and plums and green leafy vegetables are all low GL. Things like potatoes, bread and whole grains are moderate GL and all processed foods such as sugar, sweats, chocolates and white grains are high GL. This may be a bit of an over simplification but you will certainly start losing weight if you eat mainly low GL food, a little moderate GL food and no high GL foods.
Advanced topics for weight loss
There are many people who will follow this advice and who still struggle to lose weight. If you are one of these people you'll need to think about the following four contributing factors for a truly a modern approach to weight loss:
Gut microbiota
Inside each of us are trillions of cells of bacteria, with up to 2 kg of bacteria living in our gastrointestinal tract known as the gut microbiota. It is believed that the bacterial cells inhabiting our gut outnumber the cells that make up our own body by a magnitude of 10:1! Are you really who you think you are?
High fat low fibre diets alter the gut microbiota leading to an environment that creates lowered gastrointestinal (GI) colonisation of healthy bifidobacteria, this in turn leads to GI inflammation, intestinal permeability and the leakage of lipopolysacchardies (LPS) into the blood stream. It has been shown that LPS creates an immune response in the body that increases the storage of fat, creates inflammation and decreases insulin sensitivity. All of this contributes to being overweight.
If, however, you take prebiotic fibre and probiotics such as bifidobacteria this decreases the releases of LPS into the blood improving insulin sensitivity, decreasing inflammation, decreasing fat storage and decreasing appetite. Simply taking a probiotic supplement and eating prebiotic foods is a modern approach to weight loss that can help you.
Vitamin D
Training for Fat Loss | Alternative and Natural Way for Fat Loss
Vitamin D is only really obtained by direct exposure to sunlight. Over 3000 genes are affected by vitamin D and beyond the role vitamin D plays in bone and immune health it plays a huge roll in cell signalling and cell differentiation. We know from research that vitamin D deficiency negatively affects insulin sensitivity / glucose tolerance and leads to type 2 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is associated with being overweight.
So a modern approach to weight loss is something as simple as making sure your vitamin D levels are up to par. This can help improve insulin sensitivity and aid having optimum body composition. You can ask your doctor for 25(O-H)D3 test and supplement accordingly based on the results. A baseline of 2000-500IU is a good place to start.
Methylation is a process that happens in many body tissues such as the brain, the liver, the lungs and the heart. It is a set of chemical reactions that turns methionine into something called SAMe. The process requires amongst other things B12, folic acid and B6. Due to our unique genetic make up some of us require much more of these B vitamins than others and if we are deficient we get a build up of homocysteine in the blood. People who have higher homocysteine in their blood are much more likely to suffer from all manner of diseases as well as be overweight.
Research done in rats shows that the rats that are hypomethylators (low in B vitamins or have a genetic fault requiring higher levels of B vitamins) are overweight and obese. You can have your homocysteine measured by a simple home blood test kit available from York Test, after which you can supplement with the active forms of B12, folic acid and B6, which is truly a modern approach to weight loss.
Thousands of chemicals have been released in to our environment in the past 50 years, many with no knowledge about they will affect human physiology. They range from plastics such as dioxins and phthalates, to pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides as well as heavy metals. Many of these chemicals have an oestrogenic effect in our body and have been termed obesogens by functional medicine experts.
These chemicals basically screw up human physiology causing DNA damage, depleting and displacing nutrients from the body, altering cellular communication and energy production and placing a toxic burden on the body.
Identifying and eliminating these toxins is beyond the scope of this article but you can reduce your exposure to these chemicals by buying organic food. Bob Rakowski, a modern approach to weight loss expert states that if you are not buying organic food you are contributing to an industry that is poisoning every man, women and child on this planet.
You can also filter your water and change your personal care products to ones free from parabens. Eating broccoli, cabbage, kale, watercress, onions and leeks can also support the liver detoxifying these chemicals.
So there you have it, a modern approach to weight loss involves stopping smoking, reducing alcohol, exercising smartly and eating a low GL diet. Beyond that weight loss can be enhanced by taking B vitamins, vitamin D, probiotics and by avoiding and eliminating toxins.

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Diet Planning | How to loose weight quickly?

Shop at the outer perimeter of the grocery store.
Grocery stores are specifically setup to make you purchase more than you really need.That is why the core foods like milk and eggs are located way in the back of the store. They want you to walk through the middle aisles of the store, which is exactly where they pack all the processed high fat and sugary foods.
Make a decision to consciously shop on the outer area of the store.
The outer area includes all of the freshest and healthiest foods you want to include in your nutritional plan.

Diet Planning | How to loose weight quickly?Things like fresh fruits, veggies and lean protein sources can be found on the outer area. If you make these foods the foundation of your eating plan, the results will be spectacular!
Eat several, small and nutritious meals throughout the day. 
You sure will benefit a lot from eating several small meals throughout the day. Your body's metabolism will be made to go faster throughout the day. There will always be something in your stomach every few hours to keep the body going. This is important because you will not feel deprived like someone who eats 1 meal in the morning and then waits until dinner time to eat again, which usually tends to create a mini-binge since the person is extremely hungry.
This is very crucial because you will not feel deprived like someone who eats 1 meal in the morning and then waits until dinner time to eat again, which usually tend to creat a mini-binge since the person is extremely hungry.

Try to eat a small and nutritious meal every 3 hours and you will reap the rewards!
Focus on creating a small calorie reduction every day.
DO not reduce yor overall daily calories more than 500.
When you cut your calories more than 500 a day, your body may tend to go into a slight "Starvation" mode where it may lower your metabolism and not want to let go of your fat stores.

Your best bet is to create a 250 calorie deficit through calorie restriction and create another 250 calorie deficit through exercise. This is great because you keep fueling your body with nutritious food and you really rev up your metabolism with exercise.
This combination is great and works for people.
Make sure to eat a quality protein source at every meal.
Protein is the building block of muscle and is extremely important in your overall nutritional plan.Taking eating at least 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.Spread the protein throughout your several small meals everyday and focus a minimum of 20 grams of protein per meal.
If you don't feel like taking a regular meal, try including a protein shake. Whey powder is a great source for quality protein and usually comes in several different flavors like chocolate and strawberry which tends to cure a sweet tooth also!

Drink a large amount of water everyday.
Our body is made up of a large percentage of water.
Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day.Water will flush out your system and fill your stomach which makes you feel full.
Make sure to drink water before, during and after your workouts also.

Move your body.
This doesn't necessarily mean tennis or bicycling.
Gardening, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, and washing windows also count. Overweight people are more amenable to increasing lifestyle activities--like using the stairs or parking farther away from the mall--than going to the gym.
People who boost their lifestyle activity are just as successful at keeping the weight off as people who participate in formal exercise programs. Actually, overweight children tend to lose more weight when told to limit sedentary activities than when told to exercise (or to do both). Getting kids to turn off the TV or spend less time at the computer works better than urging them to increase their aerobic activity.

Clear out all of the junk foods.
The biggest challenge in successful weigth loss is dealing with temptation. Just like someone with a alcohol disease, you do not want to keep the "drug of choice" directly in your house which provides extremely easy access to it. Go through your pantry, fridge, cabinets and cupboards to rid your home of all empty calorie and unhealthy foods.
To lose weight quickly,this is such an important step in creating good habits and succeeding with your diet plan.

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Diet Planning | Another Weight Loss Program

Are you searching for the best diet program to eliminate fat quickly? Then you definitely require going through this. In this article I will discuss the greatest way to shed your body weight and how you can keep it this way forever.
Many Men and women are searching for an exact response to the query 'what is the very best diet program to lose fat quickly?' and even though there is no assure that you will shed fat quick, you can find guidelines and methods that are effective that you can put into action to start off dropping excess weight.
When we are talking about reducing your weight it seems very hard an hard to follow the plans, especially when it isn't under control.
diet planning for weight loss
What we need right here is the program that does not harm our health and also at the same time frame provide us with enough nutrition.
A proportional weight loss plan is one that's healthy, nutritious and good taste of meals. Here are a few best diet plans that will meet your needs.
Healthy smoothies
Healthy smoothies come in the most popular weight loss program, which not only appeal you taste bud but also accelerates your fat burning process.
There are various kinds of smoothies that can be prepared using numerous ingredients however when you focus on a weight loss diet, a perfect smoothie must contain frozen fruits like blueberries, bananas and milk.
So, we're back again to the topic, if you want to cut off some of their weight but you've got to be ready to do what it takes to get rid of that extra weight.
In this case, I believe that to be able to get rid of your extra weight you are going to need to give up of some your favourite food items.
Since this is not the fun part for you to do, in order to achieve your goal you have to accept and believe that this is the process to get rid of that extra weight.

Some of the foods we consume contribute a great deal to this issue, for instance fatty meals, cookies and others. Nevertheless, our body is various and this could fluctuate from individual to male or female.
Looking for an effective good diet plan that will take the weight off and keep it off? If so, be sure to read our tips that will surely help you on your fat burning plan.

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Fat Loss and Weight Loss Programs

A. How to Lose Fat Fast
The best way to drop fat is really a mixture of workout at the same time as diet. Exercising will burn calories, and weight loss plan will reduced them. This kind of combination will assistance you not only accomplish your goals but to control and sustain your excess fat. Among the list of most challenging things about trying to eliminate weight is definitely keeping off that fat, but should you physical exercise at the same time as control your healthy eating plan you might be successful.
loose weight programsThere are many diets on the market and some of one of the most well-liked ones are the low carb diets. What does low carb mean? It means a eating plan low in carbohydrates. These diets will enable you to eliminate a substantial amount of fat, but when you complete them it can be difficult to preserve your excess weight, and you will find the pounds slipping back.
To be able to avoid this from happening its good to couple your healthy eating plan with an exercise routine. It doesn't have to be an very rigorous 1 just enough to keep you in very good shape and avoid those pounds coming back. It truly is very good to begin your physical exercise regime whilst you are dieting to ensure your success. You possibly can then continue, even after you finish your weight loss plan.
B. Simple Ways To Achieve Fat Loss
There are literally dozens of ways that can help you achieve fat loss. However, you really have to be sure that all those methods are actually healthy and whether the results will last for the long term. So before falling prey to many of the false promises and getting duped it is always better to use natural and genuine methods to lose your extra body fat. You have to formulate a plan according to your body and follow it consistently. This will help you to reduce your body weight and stay healthy as well.
One of the simple ways for attaining fat loss is to follow a low carb diet. The foods you eat should contain more proteins and have a low GI index. This is nothing more than the measure at which glucose from your ingested food is released into the blood stream.
Avoid foods like biscuits, cakes, white pasta, white bread and other carbohydrate based foods. It is also better not to take in foods that contain high amounts of sugar like ice cream and sweetened drinks. Such foods are rich in calories as well. When your body feels short of carbs it starts using the glucose from your body.
You can also achieve weight loss by doing regular exercises. By going through the weight loss regimen properly you will be able to reduce your weight faster. Your workouts should include cardiovascular exercises also that increase your heart rate and burn more fat. You should work out for at least 20 minutes continuously daily for getting the best results. Weight training and circuit training are also good for speeding up weight and fat loss. To make your workout more interesting you can change the type of exercises everyday by alternating various kinds of exercises in your workouts.
Some people talk about using various fat loss products available on the market. However, they may not have the same effect for all. So if they have worked well for one person they may not be the same for you. Do not go by what was good for your friend. Understand your own body and use methods and foods which are suitable for it.
Make sure to drink a lot of water because it is a natural cleanser. It will help you to flush out unwanted toxins from your body. In the same way, use a lot of fat burning foods which can aid in burning more of the unwanted fat. Some of the common fat burning foods are apples, peaches, oats, whole grain, beans, milk, lean meat, eggs, salmon, beef, turkey, green tea, and broccoli. Include these items regularly in your diet and you will be able to reduce you weight when you combine this with regular exercise.
C. Vegetarian Diet and Fat Loss
1. What is Your Daily Calorie Needs?
If you don't know about your own calorie needs based on your body size and other factors, very easily you'll eat more than what your body needs. So, go find out about your daily calorie needs first before anything else. Google "calorie counter" and choose from the list one that lets you enter some info about yourself and automatically calculate the daily calorie needs for you.
2. Daily Calorie Needs Vs Daily Calorie Intake
Let's say as a woman you need 1500 calories per day. Logically, you need to consume 1500 calories of energy from your vegetarian diet. However, to make your fat loss more efficient, you can lower the intake by up to 10% (that's 150 calories), but not more than that. That's because when you lower your calorie intake by too much, your body will respond by slowing your metabolism to conserve energy. You wind up burning less fat than you should. And you could feel weak and sluggish the whole day.
4. Stay Away from Refined Food
easy fat loss programs
Refined or processed food always contains various additives such as artificial colorings and flavorings. To make it worse, processed food is always infused with lots of refined sodium and sugar. These stuffs make your body acidic and toxic, which in turn causes metabolic sluggishness. It may not always be possible to completely keep clear of processed food depending on where you live and work. In that case, keep processed food to the minimum where possible.
The one food you can easily change now is your home cooking oil. Use unrefined coconut oil for cooking, and flax oil or olive oil as salad dressing. These fats are good fats for your body. They aid in weight loss, unlike other refined cooking oils like corn oil, peanut oil etc.
5. 5 Meals a Day
More smaller meals spreading over the day stabilizes your glucose levels and keeps you metabolically active so as to stay in fat-burning mode. Ideally, you should have 3 main vegetarian meals (in a relatively smaller portion than what you normally had) plus one snack in each interval between the meals, like this: Breakfast - Snack - Lunch - Snack - Dinner. And, get enough soluble and insoluble fiber in your vegetarian weight loss diet.
6. Water
Keep your body hydrated. You need water to flush out waste. Waste stuck in your body makes fat loss more difficult. In short, more waste out, more fat loss. As you increase your fiber intake, so should you up your water intake accordingly, otherwise, you'll probably suffer from constipation.
7. Work Out
You'll lose fat big-time if you insert exercises in your vegetarian fat loss plan. But step up the intensity level gradually if you have not been working out for at least 4 weeks. Doing so can help minimize injuries. Start off with a simple exercise that you can do, and persevere for at least 8 consecutive days. Thereafter, it'll probably become a healthy habit of yours. Then add more other exercises or raise the intensity level to achieve greater and faster fat loss.
D. Here are 5 good reasons that cardiovascular exercise can help you meet your fat loss goals.
1. Energizes the body and mind - As your fitness levels increase with regular exercise you will find you have more energy during the day which helps you concentrate on the tasks at hand.
2. Disease prevention - The thing that is great about cardio training is the workout your cardiovascular system gets. It strengthens the heart and lungs and the fat loss benefits include reducing the effects of diabetes and lowering cholesterol levels.
3. Weight reduction and control - One of the hardest parts of any weight loss attempt is keeping the weight off once it's been lost. Aerobic training not only helps you lose the fat but it also keeps it off if you stick to your exercise routine.
4. Loss of body fat - When it comes to weight loss this is what everyone wants. Excess body fat is not something anyone desires and cardio training helps burn away those excess calories and reshape your body.
5. It's a great stress reliever - With all of the stress that modern life throws at us spending that half hour to hour working out can help relieve many of life's stresses which leads to a healthier mind and body.
But remember that in order to gain these fat loss health benefits from cardio training you need to stick to your program. Be consistent to the point that it becomes habit and before long you'll feel like you are missing out if you miss a workout.

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Diet Solution Program

There are many diet and/ or exercise programs out there that are being tried and used successfully and some, not so successfully. How can you find the one that is the best for you? I have done the research - used them all (it seems anyway) - and have found the most successful one that actually will work for everyone. As you probably know, there are a million…the South Beach Diet, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Slim Fast, the Cabbage Soup Diet and on and on. I have found The Diet Solution Program and The BioRISTORE Program are the two diet and exercise programs that offer exactly what you need to achieve the results you are looking for. What makes these two programs unique is their approach to weight loss.
diet solution programsWhile The Diet Solution Program and The BioRISTORE Program have differentiated themselves, the two, while similar, are different. Why they are similar are they both recommend a very good diet and exercise regimen. This is extremely important. You cannot achieve long term, sustainable weight loss without a long term sustainable diet and exercise program. Between these two successful programs, I have found The BioRISTORE Program to be the most complete. It speaks volumes to both that these two are at the top of the list. Both pass the test for non-scam, legitimate programs for achieving results.
The difference between The BioRISTORE Program and The Diet Solution Program comes down to the overall diversity and applicability of their programs. The BioRISTORE Program provides a solution that is developed for everyone, whether you are a body builder training for your next show or a senior that wants to achieve a healthier life at 60 or somewhere in between. BioRISTORE allows you to create your biological fingerprint and from that, the clinical professionals at BioRISTORE will develop a customized diet and exercise program that is best for you. BioRISTORE has a program for you whether you are a student, an entrepreneur that works 80 hours a week, a professional that is travelling 2 weeks out of the month, a person that has a prior health condition, a young athlete trying to get into the best shape of your life or are a new mom.
While The Diet Solution Program can address some of these, BioRISTORE not only addresses them, but identifies them and develops a program that creates results for them. While both of these are ahead of the curve, The BioRISTORE Program is clearly the leader when it comes to weight loss, health and wellness. The BioRISTORE Program addresses the issues head on and develops a program specifically to overcome the challenges. These challenges can be health related or, simply, your long term goal.
For most of us, the goal is simple. How can I lose weight fast and safely. The BioRISTORE Program does that. How can I achieve the best health of my life and live longer and healthier…The BioRISTORE Program will do that for sure. Regardless of your age, current health or goals, The BioRISTORE Program is the leader and clear choice for long term health and wellness.

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28 Day Body Makeover

28 day body makeover
For those who need to shed a few pounds, and others who have a long way to go before their diet goals can be achieved, the infomercial titled "6 Week Body Makeover" is a must watch.
The 6 Week Body Makeover is built on the theory that each person has a unique shape that defines his or her body in its natural state as it was meant to be.
The assertion that each individual person has a unique metabolism that is specific to his or her body type is another cardinal principle of the 6 week body makeover.
The program is a highly motivational one and centers on a basic idea of individuality.
And it will help you create a diet that is customized to your body shape or metabolism.

Other advantages of the 6 week body makeover includes the development of a unique metabolic system that will enable you burn more weight than in the case of a normal diet.
No doubt, the people behind the 6 week body makeover seem to have to have found an interesting and innovative concept, because studies show many find the program appealing and exciting, due to its focus on individuals.
Just some few steps are required to kick-start your own personalized program. The first one is to identify the right program that would allow you to lose weight in a short time.
The 6 week body makeover helps you out with its lucid instructions on how to fill out a questionnaire that helps pinpoint your specific metabolism type.
After the initial step, the next hurdle is the matching of your shape and general body size to the sample drawings.
women body makeoverIf you can match the drawing that best depicts your body shape and size, then you have determined your specific problem areas.
Both your metabolism type, as defined by the questionnaire, and your problem areas as defined by the shape and size drawing are combined together. And it is from this the 6 week body makeover is developed.
The program includes plans where meals are designed to help you feel energized and healthy and a simple body-sculpting workout program that targets your problem areas.
This exciting 6 Week Body Makeover concept still carries the same basic principle of successful weight loss programs.
Whose basic focus is on proper diet and nutrition as well as regular exercise.
We may not really need a program to figure this out, but a program like the 6 Week Body Makeover may push some of us in the right direction.

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